Showing posts with label Saudi arab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saudi arab. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Saudi Arabia ban on marrying women from Pakistan and three other countries___ Why?

Hi everyone.

Recently the news says that Saudi Arabia bars men from marrying women from Pakistan, Bangladesh and two other nations.The two other nations are Myanmar and Chad.

The Saudi government had made heavy documentation compulsory for the men of its country if he marries a women of any of the four barred nations. Most probably in future it would be impossible for men of Saudi Arabia to marry women form these four nations.

Although there are four countries in the list but primary target is Pakistan. There is no geopolitical angle in this decision but Saudi Arabia is genuinely concerned that lakhs of Pakistan women as wives are damaging the family structure of Saudi Arabia.

To understand this let us see the population and sex ratio of both countries.

Saudi Arabia - 3.43 crores

Pakistan - 22 crores.

This clearly shows that Pakistan is much more populated that Saudi Arabia and the sex ratio is bad in Pakistan.

According to the census, there are five million more men than women in Pakistan. Men are 51 percent of the population while women are 49 percent. The sex ratio - 105 men for every 100 women.

In comparison to Pakistan, Saudi has better sex ratio. Almost the number of men and number of women are equal.

In Saudi Arabia there is a trend from long time that a wealthy person marries 2/3 times and go to Pakistan and some other countries and marry women from there. This leads to the feeling of discrimination in Arab women and increase in family differences.

To avoid this Saudi government had taken many steps. The Saudi government has put in place strict regulations making it mandatory for men in the middle eastern nation to submit valid documents to the government, before marrying women from the aforementioned nations.

If the applicant is already married, he should attach a report from  a hospital proving that his wife is either disabled, suffering from a chronic disease or is sterile.

Earlier in 2018, the Saudi government had placed age restriction for both men and women if they want to marry a foreigner. Under the amended rules, a Saudi men has to be between 40 and 65 years old to be able to marry a non-Saudi women, and a Saudi women has to be between 30 and 50 if she wants to take a non-Saudi husband.

This will lead to demographic changes in Saudi Arabia. According to unofficial figures, there are about 5,00,000 women from these four countries residing in the kingdom and majority of them are Pakistani women who are staying as 2nd or 3rd wive of a Saudi man. 

This is good decision for Saudi as well as for Pakistan because already there is a large difference in sex ratio in Pakistan and if lakhs of women goes to Saudi Arabia, this will impact the sex ratio even more.

Also Saudi Arabia had announced changes to Kafala system. This system is related to slave labor.

This is a positive development and hope the better comes tomorrow.

Thank you|||

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


The Economic and Social Outlook Working Group (ESOWG) is made up of representatives from across the globe, including members from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and other international agencies and organizations. This organization meets annually in Davos, Switzerland, to share ideas on how to boost the global economy, enhance the quality of life for ordinary people and foster a strong international economic order.

The Future Investment Initiative, or FII, is an annual economic forum hosted by the King Saud Economic City, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is sponsored by the government's Public Investment Fund. The ESMG brings together a group of government officials, prominent entrepreneurs, and financial and non-financial institutions.

The Economic and Social Outlook Working Group meets once a year, usually during the spring and summer months, and brings together top-notch global economists from around the world. Among the experts on its agenda are those from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the United States Department of State.

Davos in the Desert, located near the Atlas Mountains, is one of the most sought-after destinations for business travelers, academics, politicians and investors from around the world. The annual gathering draws thousands of visitors from around the world, as well as many delegations from the government of countries all over the world, as well as international companies.

The United States, Canada and Europe are the main economic destinations for delegates from other countries, including Saudi Arabia. As a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Saudi Arabia has been a key player in determining the market price of oil in the past and has an important say in the decisions regarding future production. The Saudi Arabian government has also exerted considerable influence on the political decisions regarding the world oil market, including the production of quotas, the level of output and subsidies.

Currently, King Abdullah is the absolute ruler of Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Sultan bin law is the heir apparent. Other members of the royal family include ministers, advisers and ministers of various government departments. In addition, there are other influential figures such as finance minister, petroleum minister, foreign minister and deputy prime minister. Other Saudi royals who hold important posts include foreign minister, vice-premier, deputy crown prince and minister of defense and ministers of interior, tourism and foreign affairs.

Some of the topics at Davos in the Desert include economic growth prospects, energy, global trade, technological developments, foreign policy and terrorism. Other topics include the impact of global warming on human rights, the Arab uprisings and the threat posed by Iran and the rise of China as a key economic power.

The delegates and participants of the conference are expected to focus on issues related to the economic status quo, such as how to boost the business climate, attract new investments and encourage better business relationships with international counterparts. The goal is to improve education levels, infrastructure, regulatory processes and tax policies, and improve the allocation of resources among government agencies and private firms.

Crown Prince Sultan and Interior Minister Sheikh Taha have led the charge to reform the economy by launching a series of initiatives to stimulate economic growth and investment. The Saudi economy has recently undergone significant structural changes, including the introduction of a new business law, reforms in the finance industry and the creation of a national development bank and economic committee.

On the other hand, the Kingdom's foreign policy agenda is expected to focus on issues involving its relations with neighboring countries, including Iran and Iraq, as well as other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. members. The government is keen to increase its economic relationship with its neighbors through increased trade, investment, direct loans and investment grants. However, Saudi Arabia's efforts to diversify its export market share are being challenged by lower oil prices.

Crown Prince Sultan and Interior Minister Sheikh Taha have launched a number of initiatives aimed at boosting relations with the rest of the world, including an international investment plan that is designed to promote trade in a range of sectors, such as information technology, water resources and energy. Another key initiative is a program to bring Saudi Arabian oil refineries closer to its regional and global clients. The strategy is to develop better relations with its major customers, such as Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany, by reducing import tariffs and increasing exports to these key markets.

For many delegates at Davos in the Desert, this year's gathering will focus on the ongoing challenges posed by an aging population and slower economic growth prospects. Other issues that the delegates and participants are expected to discuss include the need for a stronger investment climate, improved infrastructure, improved educational opportunities, environmental issues, foreign policy objectives and the impact of globalization on the domestic economy.

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