Iranian's Show of Force - LAUNCHES FIRST MAJORLY USED MAJORITY IRANIAN FORCES RADIO MESSAGE. First Iran Air Force F-14s, F-5E Strike Fighters and several other stealth aircraft were launched by Iran's Air Force. The new fleet of stealthy aircraft, each designed and developed by Iranian Aerospace Industries, have an advanced radar and highly sophisticated electronic warfare systems and capabilities. Many believe this fleet to be a response to United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates who had warned that Iran was on the cusp of acquiring nuclear weapons.

The first deployment of new Iranian military aircraft is seen as a response to United States Air Force F-22s, which is being deployed to the Persian Gulf region and to NATO's Air Policing mission over the Baltic region. As a consequence of the deployment of the stealth F-14s it has been reported that the United States Navy will be conducting routine exercises in the Arabian Gulf. As a result of this and the upcoming deployment of F-5s, a United States Air Force F-15C aircraft is scheduled to conduct an exercise in the Persian Gulf within the next few days. The United States Navy has warned that if Iran does not stop its nuclear weapons program then they will do everything in their power to prevent the deployment of the stealth F-5E fighter from the Persian Gulf region.
Iran's first major military exercise with the US Air Force and the United States Navy will be taking place in the Persian Gulf. According to reports there will be two types of exercises which will be taking place. One type of exercise, which will involve the United States Air Force F-14 aircraft and the second type of exercise which will be taking place by Iran is known as the Bandar Desert Exercise. Iran's first and second deployment of the F-5E stealth fighter is an important message to the United States, as it is believed that they intend to conduct a large scale nuclear test in the near future. This could potentially result in an international incident that would result in a large scale war between Iran and the United States