Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Saudi Arabia ban on marrying women from Pakistan and three other countries___ Why?

Hi everyone.

Recently the news says that Saudi Arabia bars men from marrying women from Pakistan, Bangladesh and two other nations.The two other nations are Myanmar and Chad.

The Saudi government had made heavy documentation compulsory for the men of its country if he marries a women of any of the four barred nations. Most probably in future it would be impossible for men of Saudi Arabia to marry women form these four nations.

Although there are four countries in the list but primary target is Pakistan. There is no geopolitical angle in this decision but Saudi Arabia is genuinely concerned that lakhs of Pakistan women as wives are damaging the family structure of Saudi Arabia.

To understand this let us see the population and sex ratio of both countries.

Saudi Arabia - 3.43 crores

Pakistan - 22 crores.

This clearly shows that Pakistan is much more populated that Saudi Arabia and the sex ratio is bad in Pakistan.

According to the census, there are five million more men than women in Pakistan. Men are 51 percent of the population while women are 49 percent. The sex ratio - 105 men for every 100 women.

In comparison to Pakistan, Saudi has better sex ratio. Almost the number of men and number of women are equal.

In Saudi Arabia there is a trend from long time that a wealthy person marries 2/3 times and go to Pakistan and some other countries and marry women from there. This leads to the feeling of discrimination in Arab women and increase in family differences.

To avoid this Saudi government had taken many steps. The Saudi government has put in place strict regulations making it mandatory for men in the middle eastern nation to submit valid documents to the government, before marrying women from the aforementioned nations.

If the applicant is already married, he should attach a report from  a hospital proving that his wife is either disabled, suffering from a chronic disease or is sterile.

Earlier in 2018, the Saudi government had placed age restriction for both men and women if they want to marry a foreigner. Under the amended rules, a Saudi men has to be between 40 and 65 years old to be able to marry a non-Saudi women, and a Saudi women has to be between 30 and 50 if she wants to take a non-Saudi husband.

This will lead to demographic changes in Saudi Arabia. According to unofficial figures, there are about 5,00,000 women from these four countries residing in the kingdom and majority of them are Pakistani women who are staying as 2nd or 3rd wive of a Saudi man. 

This is good decision for Saudi as well as for Pakistan because already there is a large difference in sex ratio in Pakistan and if lakhs of women goes to Saudi Arabia, this will impact the sex ratio even more.

Also Saudi Arabia had announced changes to Kafala system. This system is related to slave labor.

This is a positive development and hope the better comes tomorrow.

Thank you|||

Saturday, May 23, 2020





The PAKISTANI AIRLINER CRASHES isone of the most important commercial plane crashes that happened recently. If you have been following aviation news, it has been reported that several pilots were on board. There were six aircraft involved in this crash and as such, it is important to look at the background of all of them.

The first plane to crash was a twin-engine C-130 that was overrun by a jet that was flying at a low altitude from Los Angeles. There were three flight attendants on board, one being the pilot. All of them survived and have been quoted by the press as saying that they believed that they were approaching an area that would help them make it to the runway in one piece.

The next plane that crashed was a Gulfstream, which was on its way to San Diego when it was forced to turn around due to a fuel spill. It did not take off again, as it was unable to continue.




The third plane to crash was a twin-engine C-57 that was flying over the Atlantic when it was forced to land because of a fuel leak. There were six crew members on board and all of them survived.

The fourth flight attendant that we have spoken about is the pilot of a small single-engine C-3. This was a C-3 that was flying to the Netherlands when it encountered a major problem and was forced to make an emergency landing in Morocco.

The fifth flight attendant to make the news is the pilot of a single-engine C-32 that was flying to Los Angeles. The pilot of this aircraft was flying with a few other passengers who were flying as passengers of the aircraft and was forced to make an emergency landing in Morocco because the fuel supply was low and that it was almost impossible to get fuel into the plane.

In summary, the PAKISTANI AIRLINER CRASHES all occurred because there was a low fuel supply to the aeroplane. This made it difficult for it to fly, forcing it to turn around and come back to the nearest airport.

To recap, in terms of the low fuel supply, one pilot had a very low approach while the second pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after making a low approach. The last plane to crash was the second pilot of a single-engine C-32 that was forced to make an emergency landing after approaching at a very low altitude.

All of these incidents took place because of low fuel supply, causing it to lose some of its speed. Also, the two engines were trying to fly at the same time, and the lack of airspeed caused them to collide and crash.

Now that you know the cause of these low fuel supplies, let us look at what they tell us about the other factors that lead to these crashes. These causes include the weather and wind, which are related but not directly related, the plane's ability to make it back into the air after taking off, and the lack of oxygen, which are the most important factor.

We will start with the weather. Most people are familiar with the wind because it is the most dominant force in the Earth's atmosphere.

Low winds cause planes to lose altitude and go down. A big part of this is because the blades of the plane are being sucked by the low pressure, which causes them to lose lift and start falling towards the earth.

Low winds also cause the air in the wings to get thinner, which causes them to be blown around by the wind. If you don't pay attention to the wind and the turbulence caused by it, you may be sucked forward by it in one direction or the other. When you can't get out of the way, the winds will push you into the ground.

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